Bray Parish Council's Draft Neighbourhood Development Plan (BPNDP)..

During week commencing 18th May 2015 Bray Parish Council delivered to all households in Bray Parish a document titled "Share Your Views"(SYV). It contains a description of the BPNDP, summarises its content, and asks residents to give their views on policies.
I, Andrew Cormie, the current Chair of the HRA have published on this website, my personal comments on the Draft Plan and the SYV document. It is appreciated that many residents will be short of time for review of the Draft Plan or the SYV, and maybe it is wrong of me to expect you to spend even more time on this survey. But I agree with Bray Parish Council that it is important that residents give their views on this important project. The SYV document is open for comment until 24th July 2015